O my gosh..yes you read right.We are moving from beautiful Ballina..Skennars Head actually..to Charters Towers..before you rush to google maps, its about an hour and a half west of Townsville..
Yep thats what I said. We are telling people we are going for a good time not a long time.
Alan my beloved husband has had a really tough time during the last 18 months in his job ( that is putting it mildly) so we knew about 6 months ago that it couldn't go on and so we began praying and seeking God for something. Never did we guess that our prayer would lead us to this remote area. It may be our desert experience. We are so going to miss our Church, C3 Ballina, we are also going to miss our family, friends, and I will really miss my job..BUT not the travel..
That said..I now will tell you what I am looking forward to..
* the adventure
*exploring new places
*being with my husband
*seeing my husband thrive and flourish where he is meant to be
* seeing my husband happy..
Lots more.. he leaves on Friday 16th April and will be staying at
This is Alans new room..and the view from the verandah
My new best friend patricia has been great and is organising a backpacker room for him. $145 a week..shared facilities and kitchen but his own a/c room, bed and fridge.. He will begin looking for a house for us to rent.. I don't want much..just modern, a/c and a pool and pref a deck and no gheckos...o well he will do his best..
I have requested 12 months leave without pay. Just in case it goes belly up and it is really bad I will at least have a job to come back tooThey have aprooved 6 months with the possibility of extending it to 12 months..upon furthur application...I am working through till the 7th May and so will be without my husband for a month..ooo going to be very hard. I will miss my babies and kiddies but not the travel. When I told my mums last week one of them cried..so sweet.
There is a possibility of getting work up there ..in the Library. There is a position earmarked for 2-3 days a week doing school holiday stuff and storytime..yep right up my alley and hopefully baby bounce and rhyme..
So after the 7th I will head up to Brisbane and be in Brisbane for daughter Clares 30th birthday and then head off ....Miss Molly and I for our trek to the far North od Qld..how exciting..lucky Molly likes the car..
So stay posted..lots of blogs coming from Charters as I struggle to stay in contact with froiends and family..feel free to visit..